Dyeing Acid ME


Dyeing acid ME can substitute for acetic acid in dyeing and finishing of cotton, linen, rayon, wool, silk, acrylic, polyester, nylon and other fibres. It is non-irritating, freeze-free at low temperature, hard water tolerant, and self-buffering (negating use of NaOAc). It allows improved dyeability, levelness, shade and fastness compared to acetic acid.


Appearance: clear, colorless to light yellow liquid

Acid content: 7.0±0.1N

Density: 1.19g/ml

Solubility: very soluble in water

Odor: non-irritating, pleasant odor

Impurities: <0.01mg/l

Concentration—pH property: similar to that of HOAc

Storage stability: shelf life is three years at below 50℃.

Recommended rate of use:

  • for acrylic fabrics and expanded acrylic products

Rate of use is generally 1-2.5%.

  • for polyester fabrics (high temperature high pressure dyeing)

Rate of use is generally 1g/l (used in combination with 0.3g/l of sodium hexametaphosphate and 0.5-1g/l of leveling agent).

  • for cellulosic fabrics

Rate of use is generally 0.5-1.5% (used in combination with 0.3-0.5% of sodium carbonate and 1-4% of fixative).

  • for wool/acrylic blend fabrics

Rate of use is generally 1.5-3% (used in combination with 5-10% of sodium sulfate and 0.5-2% of dispersant IW).


Plastic barrel, net weight 25kg, 50kg.




ADD:Baidian village,shimenkan town,nanjing,china (210014)
Tel:+86-25-84233000 +86-25-84233118 Fax:+86-25-84233228