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    KY-909 paper-feeling adhesive

1 , Brief introduction
KY-909 paper-feeling adhesive is one kind of two-component coated glue made of special polymer materials and curing agent. It is a good material for the production of elastic flexible waterproof coatings, suitable for the coatings of fabrics .
2 , Technical indexes
1. Appearance: Colorless transparent
2. Viscosity : 40000~50000mPa.s/25℃
3. Solid: 25%±1%
4. Curing time: 150℃ 5~10 Minutes
3 , Uses
The products are mainly applied in the coatings of a variety of fabrics, offers fabrics paper sense, flexibility, smoothness and other characteristics.
4 , Packing, Storage and transportation
1, Component 50KG, Component B 1KG.
2, dangerous goods.

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