

Red Clover P.E.
Part of Used
Leave or Flowers
Active Ingredients Isoflavones
Characteristics Black Brown Powder
Specs Available Isoflavones(HPLC) 8%,20%,40%
Chemical Structure
Red Clover widely distributes in Europe, the British Isles, China and many other countries. It is one of the world’s oldest agricultural crops, widely cultivated as a fodder crop and as a source of hay for cattle horses and sheep. It has long been used in Western herbal traditions as a “blood purifier”. Generally placing a heaping tablespoon of the dried flowering top in a cup of water makes a tea, the tea of the dried flowers is a folk remedy to relieve spasms associated with asthma and bronchitis, and is a famous folk cancer remedy.
Red Clover Powdered Extract is prepared from stems and leaves with flowers of red clover. It is popular in dietary supplement products; it contains a group of compounds called isoflavones that are used as phytoestrogen. On the other hand, red clover powdered extract is considered a good candidate for further research in the new field of chemo prevention-compounds of foods that may help prevent the development of cancers.
Main Function  
Estrogenic, anti-tumor and cholesterol-reducing. Red clover contains very high levels of all four isoflavones , including biochanin A, formononetin, daidzein and genistein.These isoflavone constituents also exist as corresponding sugar derivatives(glycosides), sissotrin, ononin, diadzin and genistin.
Packing 25kg/Fiber Drums
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