


Other Name: 4-Anisidine

Molecular Formula: C7H9NO

Molecular Weight: 123.15

Behavior: white crystal. Technical product is yellow to reddish crystal. Melting Point: 57.2, Boiling Point: 242, Density: 1.089; Refractive Index: 1.5592(67); soluble in enthanol, ether, slightly soluble in water. Its hydrochlorate is easily soluble in water and its sulfate is hard to solve in water. In the air, it will gradually be oxydized and become brown. It is extremely toxic. And the maxium density permitted in the air is 0.5mg/m3.

Technial Standards:

Item Standard
Appearance Primrose, greyish to brown crystal or casted matters
Freezing Point: 57.0
Content % 99.0
2-Aminoanisole % 0.5
4-Chloroaniline 0.4
Low-boiler % 0.1
High-boiler % 0.5
Moisture % 0.5

Uses: used for making ice colors including dark red developing base GP, fast blue salt VB, naphthol AS-RL, naphthol AS-SG, etc..

Packing: iron drum, Net Weight: 200kg
