Magnesium Gluconate

Chemical Name:

Magnesium Gluconate

Molecular Formula:

Structural Formula:
Molecular weight: 450.64
Characteristics: Colorless crystals or white powder or granules.
Performance and usage: It's mainly used as dietary supplement and food additive.
The product is a macro element necessary to maintenance of the life activities for organism, it not only has the important effect that maintains the trans-mission of nerve impulse and the irritability of nerve and muscle, but also prevents myocardial infarction. The product is a good food fortifier of magnesium.
Specification: USP24 FCC(IV)
Package: Cardboard drums (size: 37×43), 25kgs net each.
Transportation: andle with care in order to avoid damaging the package; protect them from sunshine or rain. This product is a non-dangerous product and can be transported as a common chemical product.
Storage: Keep in shaded, cool and air places. The shelf time is 2 years.


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