
Chemical Name:


Molecular Formula:

Structural Formula:
Molecular weight: 178.14
CAS NO.: [90-80-2]
Characteristics: White crystalline powder, almost odorless.
Performance and usage: The product has fresh preservation and antiseptic actions. It can be used to processing bean products (such as, bean curd), meat products, juice beverage, yeast powder, etc. and can be used for the fresh preservation of fishes ad shrimps.
Specification: GB7657-87 FCC(IV) USP24
Package: Paper-plastic compounds bags, 25kgs net each.
Transportation: Handle with care in order to avoid damaging the package; protect them from sunshine or rain. This product is a non-dangerous product and can be transported as a common chemical product.
Storage: Keep in shaded, cool and air places. The shelf time is 2 years.


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