PAINTS A/B-For protection of printing screen |
Rising and falling of doctor blade and squeezing often result in pattern deformation and screen damage during flat screen printing process so that production cost is increased to affect the production adversely. Paints A/B of Dongmei brand is a kind of paint with its functions to protect the screen and prolong the screen's useful life,which tackles the troublesome problem very effectively. Paints A/B belongs to a type of product coated on screen surface.After part A and B are mixed together and stirred well , the mixture is coated on photogelatin surface of screen and finally formed into a layer of firmly protective film through drying to avoid trachoma formation in screen and reduce the chance of screen damage during printing process,thus,the useful life time of screen will be increased doubly and trebly. Characteristic: (1)Before use,Part A is mixed with Part B according to weight proportion of 1:1 and stirred slowly then to be stored for 5-10 minutes.The paints can be used immediately after the foam disappears in liquid. (2) To place the flat screen horizontally and pour the mixture onto it.To squeegee or coat the mixture onto the screen evenly then make the paints adhere to the screen firmly by slight pressure. (3)Normal dose of 70-80g/m2 is a guarantee for usage effect of paints. (4)The painted screen should be dried for 5 hours in ambient temperature.If the drying machine is adopted for drying screen,please remember that temperature should not be rised very fast.It should be rised to 50°C step by step then keep this temperature for 3 hours for good effect. Notes :