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  Copper sulfate Pentahydrate big crystal

Molecular formula: CuSO4.5H2O

Properties: blue and bright large crystal ,It can be used to destroy algae in water supplies.
It is used as mordant,insecticide,germicide of water,preservative of wood,tanning,carving and making catalyst.Meantime ,it is largely used as nonferrous metal floatation, paint industry of shipings and production of other chemical material.In agriculture,it is for pesticide and making other materials of pesticide containing copper.Moreover,it is used as trace element fertilizer and feed additive etc.

Packing: 25kg plastic lined woven bag.
a) Copper sulfate Pentahydrate 1-3mm
b) Copper sulfate Pentahydrate 2-5mm
c) Copper sulfate Pentahydrate 4-8mm
d) Copper sulfate Pentahydrate >20mm


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