No.1 Red yeast rice
No.2 Red yeast rice
No.3 Red yeast rice
No.4 Red yeast rice
No.5 Red yeast rice with flavonoid active materials
NO.6 Red Yeast Rice as chicken fodder additive
NO.7 Red Yeast Rice as color additive

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Polyphenolic compounds are among the most talked about dietary ingredients these days, and have been associated with heart disease and cancer prevention. In general terms, phenolic compounds or polyphenols, have a similar basic structural chemistry including an "aromatic" or "phenolic" ring structure. That said, it is also important to note that at least 8,000 phenolic compounds have already been identified in a dozen chemical sub-categories. Phenolic compounds are responsible for the brightly colored pigments of many fruits and vegetables, but they protect plants from diseases and ultraviolet light help prevent damage to seeds until they germinate. One of the more nutritionally important classes of polyphenols, the flavonoids, are widely distributed in plant foods and include.

• Antioxidant
• Cancer prevention
• Protection from Heart Disease and Hypertension
• Antibiotic / Antiviral activity
• Anti-inflammatory activity
• Protects and strengthens blood vessels

Polyphenols, particularly the flavonoids, are among the most potent plant antioxidants. Polyphenols can form complexes with reactive metals such as iron, zinc and copper ¨C reducing their absorption. At first glance, this may seem to be a negative side effect (reducing nutrient absorption), but excess levels of such elements (metal cations) in the body can promote the generation of free radicals and contribute to the oxidative damage of cell membranes and cellular DNA. In addition to their chelating effect on metal cations, polyphenols also function as potent free radical scavengers within the body, where they can neutralize free radicals before they can cause cellular damage. Epidemiologic studies have shown a relationship between high dietary intakes of phenolics and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. You've undoubtedly heard of the "French Paradox" by which regular moderate consumption of red wine (which is rich in polyphenols) is associated with low rates of coronary artery disease. In general, polyphenols (flavonoids) are thought to deliver health benefits by several mechanisms, including: (1) direct free radical quenching, (2) protection and regeneration of other dietary antioxidants (like vitamin E), (3) chelation of metal ions.

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