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Huzhou Mengxin Health Food Sales Co.,Ltd.
Product Class
Mengxin peptide series
Children’s series
Men’s series
Women’s series
Mid-agedness series
Basic nutrition series
Contact Us
Add: Room104, Buiding 55, Section A of Yujia Community, Huzhou, Zhejiang, China
Contact: Mr. Tang
Tel: +86-572-2069887
Fax: +86-572-2069886
Mobile: +86-18905729887
Investment Tel: +86-572-2069887
QQ service: QQ customer service
XinDuoShan Capsule
XinDuoShan Capsule Chitin is the only free amino acid cation edible animal fibre, and is similar to dietary fiber. It has many functions including losing weight, expulsion of toxin and others. So, this product is the popular and safety dietary product.
Main functions:
1. Super strong to absorb fat and accelerate losing weight.
2. Absorb and discharge heavy metal
3. Accelerate creepage of intestinal tract.
4. Reduce total cholesterin
5. Prevent fatty liver and protect liver
6. Improve intestinal tract functions.
7. Reduce sugar absorption and adjust blood sugar.
8. Absorb chlorine ion and reduce blood pressure.
9. Prevent carcinoma of colon and cancer of colon
  Copyright(C)2009 Huzhou Mengxin Health Food Sales Co.,Ltd. Supported by Toocle Copyright Notice