Contact: Mr Ding Wen
Skype: dingwen666
Add:No.1 Jingsan Rd, Beilun District, Ningbo, 315800, China.

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Turmeric Extract


The most powerful compound in botanical medicine,the worlds most important herbal extract.
Turmeric is a member of the Curcuma botanical group, which is part of the ginger family of herbs, the Zingiberaceae. The root and rhizome stem of the Curcuma longa plant is crushed and powdered into ground Turmeric spice. Ground Turmeric is used worldwide as a seasoning and is the source of the extracted Curcumin (curcuminoids).
Turmeric extract contains three main chemical compounds – Curcumin, Demethoxycurcumin and Bisdemethoxycurcumin – collectively known as Curcuminoids.
[ Plant origin ] Curcuma longa L.
[ Efficacy function] It is a natural food coloring, having strong coloring ability, good heat resistance and light resistance, reducing blood-lipid, anti-hypertension. detoxication, choleretic effect, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, having the ability of termination of pregnancy.
[ Active ingredients] Curcumin, Desmethoxycurcumin, Bisdemethoxycurcumin
[ CAS] 458-37-724939-17-124939-16-0



[ Molecular formula]C21H20O6; C20H18O5; C19H16O4
[Character] Yellow orange powder
[ Test method] UV / HPLC
[Specification] Curcuminoids
       Granulated curcumin
       Turmeric oleoresin ( liquid, paste )
       Water soluble curcumin ( liquid or powder, natural color )
       Oil soluble curcumin
       Curcuma oil
[Advantage] No EDC or other toxic solvents residue.
      USP36 or EP7.0 pesticide residue
      Kosher and Halal Certified