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Cysteamine (CS)-20        

Cysteamine is a new growth hormone releasing promoter approved by Chinese Ministry of Agriculture in 2002.This product stabilize cysteamine with microcapsule technique and biodegradable materials, bring about good stability and mobility, suitable for widely apply in feed and promote animal growth.

Active Principle  : Cysteamine hydrochloride

Molecular Formula : C2H8CLNS(NH2CH2CH2SHHCl)

Molecular Weight : 113.61


Sense properties White crystallization, with undesirable odor, dissolve water, solution assume alkali-reaction
Content(C2H8CLNS) 20%
Moisture 5%
Heavy Metal 0.002%

Main Effect and Mechanism

Distinctly reduce the content of Somatostatin over central nervous system and many other glands, increase the secretion of GH, to promote animal growth.
Cysteamine is the inhibitor of dopamine-¦Â-hydroxylase, lead to store up of dopamine. For this reason, it strongly promote the synthesis and secretion of GH as a growth promoter.

Directions and dosage

Species CS-20(g/ton feed) Effect
Swine-piglets 300-400 ADG+12.8%, FCR-7.56%
       -growers 400-600 ADG+10.8%, FCR-6.67%
       -Finishers 600-800 ADG+5.8%, FCR-3.65%
Broilers21D 200-300 ADG+8.0%, FCR-9.7%
          >21D 300-400 ADG+7.8%, FCR-9.6%

CAUTION: Feeds continuously don't over 40 days.

Package: 20Kg/carton

Expiry Date :one year

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