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Veneer glue series

Limit value of harmful substance is in accordance with GB18583-2008.

Model 8548 8535 8528
Main ingredients copolymerized emulsion of Polyvinyl acetate and acrylic acid copolymerized emulsion of Polyvinyl acetate and acrylic acid copolymerized emulsion of Polyvinyl acetate and acrylic acid
Appearance milky white milky white milky white
Solid 48±1 35±1 28±1
PH value 4-7 4-7 4-7
Viscosity (mps.s25℃) 70000-80000 60000-70000 30000-40000


Suitable for a skin manual stick process heated by electric iron such as hand stick wood, manual sealing of wood veneer, veneered repair. Also applies to the lamination of wood joint, honeycomb sandwich, EFA materials, fiber board, fireproofing board board; especially for furniture with curved surface.

Packing: 20kg plastic drum, 30kg paper drum

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