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Common name:Lambda-Cyhalothrin
CAS No.: 91465-08-6
Structural formula:

Molecular formula:C23H19ClF3NO3

Molecular weight:449.86

Bioactivity: Insecticide such as pyrethroid.

Physiochemcial property: White or light yellow powdery solid:melting point:49.2ºC:vapor pressure:2.67*10-10 Pa(20ºC):solubility:pure water :0.005mg/L(pH6.5),cushion water:0.004mg/L(pH5.0),acetone,ethyl acetate,methanol,normal hexane,toluene >500mg/L(21ºC):Kow 1000000(20ºC):Stability:15-20ºC,storage period:6 months.
Storage:Stored in draughty and dry place. Avoid moisture and solarization. Do not store together with food,seed and feedstuff.

Specification:2.5% oil concentrate,10% W.P.,95% technical grade.

Packaging:Technical grade: Paced in cardboard drum with two layers of polyethylene film. NW:25kg or on the clients' requirements.

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