We will serve the society with the enterprise spirit of ‘your satisfaction is our eternal pursuit’!
Methyl alcohol 99.9%
Acetic acid 99.5%-99.9%
Hydrogen peroxide 27.5、35%
Toluene 99.5%
Sodium nitrite 98.5%
Sodium bicarbonate 99%
Sodium carbonate 99%
Sodium hydroxide 96、99%
ADD: Block A room 602,Dongsheng
Sunshine Hotel,No. 32-6 Chaoyang
Road,Xinpu,Lianyungang City
Contact: Manager Jiang
Tel: +86-518-85100881
Fax: +86-518-85100660
URL: www.jiayichem.com
E-mail: sales@jiayichem.com

ADD: Block A room 602,Dongsheng Sunshine Hotel,No. 32-6 Chaoyang Road,Xinpu,Lianyungang City
Contact: Manager Jiang
Tel: +86-518-85100881
Fax: +86-518-85100660
URL: www.jiayichem.com
E-mail: sales@jiayichem.com
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