

Formnla: C17H24O
Strncture formula:   
Specific ations:
Description: Colourless leaflets crystallme compound
Melting Point: 77-79
Odour: Pleasant musk odour
Content: 98.5%

Uses: This product has not only a rery strong and pleasant musk odour, but also a rather strong animat nota, the product has the similar specifications of U.S. Selestolide, made by I.FF and physical functions. The product is useful in the perfume art. In particular for the prepar ation of high quality perfume the compound can casily beused in tend of the very exve expensive natural musk. The properties of salimusk ere stable Beside being unpoiso nous, Salimusk resist basic action and do not change it's colonr, it is specially suitable for use in white soap of good quality.

Container: Iron drum(20kgs) inside packed with plasties bag.

Transportation: A hazardousless chemical.
Add: 448 West Jijiang Road, Jingjiang City, Jiangsu Province.

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