Chem name:methyl bromide100%

Appearance:Colourless gas,odorless at low concentrations,clear,colourless to straw-coloured liquid under pressure or refrigeration.
Molecular weight:94.94
Melting point:-94
Boiling point:3.5-4
Methyl bromide100% is a powerful fumigant used widely for both soil and space fumigation providing very efficient and economic control.

Methyl Bromide100% is widely used in crops,seeds,silk,tabacco,nut,factory building,warehouse,container and so on.

*Small danger for worker,simple procedures for applications in different situations;
*Quick dissipation from the commodity at the end of fumigation which makes possible the safe handling of the commodity.
*Can be used for treating most commodities withour causing any deleterious effect.
*It has a wide range of control against different species and all life stages of insects;
*Can ensure complete control even if as low a temperature as 6;
*Quick and deep penetration into commodity;
*Very short exposure period;

Store in cool,dry well ventilated area.
MBr100% is available as liquid under pressure in steel cylinders of various sizes,25,40,50,70,100 and 150Kg,and in small cans of 1.0lb and 1.5lb.

(2003)Lianyungang Dead Sea Bromine Compounds Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
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