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Natural 3-Methylbutyraldehyde

CAS No. 590-86-3
Molecular Formula C5H4O2
Molecular weight 96.09
Structure -
FEMA# 2692
Appearance colorless transparent liquid
Assay(% ≥99%
Relative Density20℃/20℃ 0.7860—0.7795
Refractive Index(20℃) 1.3890—1.3910
Solubility(20℃) soluble in water, 15 g/L
Aldehyde content(%) ≥99
Acid value (mg.KOH/g) ≤1.0
Packing & Storage 200L plastic drum, 25L plastic drum. Stored in cool and dry place, should not be put in open air.