Formic Acid

molecular formula: CH2O2
CAS No: 64 - 18 - 6
UN No:: 1779
Dangerous Goods Class:: 8

Colourless liquid(Click to enlarge)

  First Second
Colour Index Platinum Cobalt 10 max 20 max
Purity 85 % min 85 % min
Sulphate as SO4 0.002 % max 0.05 % max
Chloride as CL 0.005 % max 0.02 % max
Iron as Fe 0.0005 % max 0.001 % max
Ignition Residue 0.020 % max 0.08 % max
Use: Pharmaceutical Industry, such as Caffeine, Enzimes, Aminopyrine, Vitamin B;
Pesticide Industry, such as Triazolone, Disinfest;
Leather Industry , such as Tanning Agent;
Textile Industry, such as Acid dyestuff;
Rubber Industry, such as Coagulation;
Steel Industry, such as cleaning metal;
Paper Industry , such as Paper Pulp bleaching;
Food Industry, such Disinfectant, Silage.

In 25/250 kgs net P.E. drums.
ISO Container Tank of 25MT net.

plastic drums palleted plastic drums
25kg 25kg with palletlized 250kg
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