Hangzhou Changsheng Trading Co., Ltd.

Contact us

Dear Customers:

Thank you for visiting our company web site, if you have any opinion and suggestion, please contact us. Wish we have a happy cooperation!

Hangzhou Changsheng Trading Co., Ltd.

Warehouse: Hazardous chemical storing area(800 cubic meters),

Xiasha Industrial Park, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.

Add.: Provincial Military Command Subsidiary Foodstuff Production Base,

XIasha Industrial Park, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.

Legal Person: Zhou Yunchang

Tel: +86-571-86727012, 86727112

Fax: +86-571-86727010

Cell Phone: +86-13505813778

E-mail: sales@hzcsmy.cn

URL: Http://www.hzcsmy.cn