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Cresol red(indicator)

Molecular Formula: C21H18O5S
Molecular Weight: 382.43
Properties: reddish brown powder; soluble in basic solution; slightly soluble in methanol and ethanol; almost insoluble in acetone and benzene; insoluble in aethers.
Use: As acid-base indicator, and colour layer analytical reagent.
Storage: Closed tight.
PH range 6.5(yellow)-8.5(purple)
Ethanol solubility test Qualified
Drying loss ≤3.0%
Residue on ignition(sulphate) ≤0.2%
Maximum Absorption Wavelength, nm:
λ1(PH6.5) 432-436
λ2(PH8.5) 571-574
Mass absorption eoefficient, L/(cm,g):
a11, PH6.5, dry sample) 49-67


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