
JPU-580A Polyurethane (pu) adhesive

JPU-580A Polyurethane (pu) adhesive is a two-liquid reactive adhesives for the composite processing of base materials of food packaging materials such as PFIT, NY, LDPF, CPP plastic film and aluminum foil, with high intensity, strong adhesion and initial adhesion, good resistance to heat and water; As a non-toxic materials, it can be used in the production of composite materials of food packaging.

Technical parameters

Name of parameter

Main agent Curing agent
JPU-580A JPU-750B
Appearance Transparent viscous liquid
Viscosity (Pa•S/25°C) 2400-4500 1500-5000
Solid 75±2 75±2

Recommended application

Method: direct gravure coating face 
Operation concentration 20%-35% 
Residual coating dry weight 2.3-4g/m2(vary with uses)

Dry temp 60-80°C 
Temp.of combining roller. 60-85°C 
Curing condition 50-60°C 48 hours