Zhuzhou Huahong Industrial Co.,Ltd.
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Address: Lukou Town, Zhuzhou County, Hunan, China.
P.C.: 412100
Tel: +86-731-27619168
Cell phone : 13332533135(Liu Shaohua)
13974197460(Luo Xiaozhi)
Fax: +86-731-27628825
Email: liushaohua@huahonghg.com
Url: www.huahonghg.com

   Contact us


Address: Lukou Town, Zhuzhou County, Hunan, China.
P.C.: 412100
Tel: +86-731-27619168
Cell phone : 13332533135(Liu Shaohua)
13974197460(Luo Xiaozhi)
Fax: +86-731-27628825
Email: liushaohua@huahonghg.com
Url: www.huahonghg.com
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Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate trihydrate Sodium Dimethyldithiocarbamate Lead acetate Pine camphor oil