Zhuzhou Huahong Industrial Co.,Ltd.
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Address: Lukou Town, Zhuzhou County, Hunan, China.
P.C.: 412100
Tel: +86-731-27619168
Cell phone : 13332533135(Liu Shaohua)
13974197460(Luo Xiaozhi)
Fax: +86-731-27628825
Email: liushaohua@huahonghg.com
Url: www.huahonghg.com


  Name   Use

Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate trihydrate

It is an excellent collector with good selectivity for the flotation of Cu, Pb, Sb and other metal sulphides.

Sodium Dimethyldithiocarbamate(SDD)

1. Treatment of Industrial waste water
2. Sugar refining Industrial
3. Chemical Industrial
4. As precipitator of heavy metals
5. Paper making Industrial
6. Bactericides
7. Polymerization inhibitor
8. Thiofide, terminator of butylbenzene rubber polymerization

Lead acetate

As pigments, stabilizer and catalyst.

Pine camphor oil

As effective foaming agent in ore dressing Industrial; widely used in the ore dressing of gold, silver, copper, lead & zinc ores as well as graphite and sylvine etc.; also used as auxiliary and solvent.


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Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate trihydrate Sodium Dimethyldithiocarbamate Lead acetate Pine camphor oil