

Short name: TIPA
CAS NO: 122-20-3
Structural formula: [CH3CH(OH)CH2]3N
Quality standard: Q/FJH011-2005
Purity: 85%
Freezing Point: 58°C
Flash Point: 520F
Boiling Point: 305°C
Specific Gravity: D60200.991
Physical performances: Soluble in methanol, alcohol and other organic solvents.

Technical index:

Index 80 83 85 90 98
Appearance colorless transparent liquid colorless transparent liquid colorless transparent liquid colorless transparent liquid white crystal solid
Tris(2-hydroxypropyl)amine content=% 80 83 85 90 98
Moisture=% 20 15 15 10 2


Emulsifying agent, grinding aids of cement, galvanized additive of zincate, black metal antirust, cutting refrigerant, cement intensifier, printing &dying softening agent, absorbing and antioxidant of air and auxiliary of soap, detergent and cosmetics etc.